Oral Storytelling: Folktales

An open book with blank pages, awaiting to be written in.Instructor: Cory Howard

Location: Sycamore Bldg., Rm. 7206

The word storytelling seems to be everywhere these days — this class gives you an opportunity to dive into, practice, and perform this original, ancient and connective folk art. As writer Patti Digh reminds us, the shortest distance between two people is a story. In this 6-week long class we will look into and perform Appalachian folktales and World Folk and Fairytales.

Dates Day Time Cost Section Register By Registration Link
2/12/25-3/19/25 Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. $98 43391 2/5/25 Register
How to Register by Email:
  1. Download Creative Arts Registration Form (Form must be fully completed to be accepted)
  2. Email completed form to ajclark@haywood.edu.
  3. If you are registering through email please await a Successful Confirmation Registration Email.
    This service is only available to those that register by email. 

How to Register in Person:
Please visit Student Services Department on the top floor of the Hemlock Building at
185 Freedlander Drive, Clyde, NC 28721.