Weaving: Beginner Rigid Heddle

Weaving: Beginner Rigid Heddle


Woven cloth project with a patter including white, green, gold, and black yarn sitting on a woden table.

Instructor: Allison Teeples

Location: Sycamore, 7306

The rigid heddle loom is a small but mighty piece of weaving equipment. It is easy to use yet you could spend a lifetime exploring everything it will do!  This two-day course is designed for the aspiring rigid heddle weavers or experienced weavers looking for a refresher. Participants will learn the basics of rigid heddle weaving and complete a small sampler and scarf.


Dates Day Time Cost Section Register By Registration Link
4/26/25-4/27/25 Saturday & Sunday

9 a.m.-3 p.m.

$111.00 43713 4/18/25 Register

How to Register by Email:

  1. Download Creative Arts Registration Form (Form must be fully completed to be accepted)
  2. Email completed form to ajclark@haywood.edu.
  3. If you are registering through email please await a Successful Confirmation Registration Email.
    This service is only available to those that register by email. 

How to Register in Person:
Please visit Student Services Department on the top floor of the Hemlock Building at
185 Freedlander Drive, Clyde, NC 28721.