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Wilderness Survival

Wilderness Survival

Man in jacket and hat looking through binoculars in forest Confidence in the wilderness is what this course is all about. Hikers, backpackers, hunters, foragers and outdoor enthusiasts will all learn beginner to advanced survival and bushcraft skills that will not only keep you alive if you ever get lost, but will help you get found and get home. Skills taught include basic to advanced fire making and shelter building, water purification, animal tracking, navigation, trapping, hunting, edible and medicinal plants and trees, basket making, and more!


Class begins October 3, register soon!

October 3 - December 12, Tuesdays 5:30-7:30pm

Cost: $131.25

Course Code: CSP:4000-24937-41341


How to Register by Email:

1. Download Creative Arts Registration Form (Form must be fully completed to be accepted)

2. Email completed form to

3. If you are registering through email please await a Successful Confirmation Registration Email.
This service is only available to those that register by email. 

How to Register in Person:

Please visit Student Services Department on the top floor of the Hemlock Building at
185 Freedlander Drive, Clyde, NC 28721.