Human Resource Development


Courses are offered to support those looking for a new career path or to freshen their skillset as they enter a new position with thier current employer or at a new employer. We have multiple Human Resource Development classes available and encourage you to reach out to see when the next one is scheduled.

HRD Employability Lab

This is a self-paced open lab where students will work independently with guidance from an instructor as needed in the following areas:

  • Resume Preparation
  • Career Assessments
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Interview Preparation
  • Career Counseling
  • Technology Assistance

Course Length – This is an open lab with designated meeting time. Meetings will be held at the NC Works Career Center.

HRD Career Readiness

The curriculum framework is based on a specific occupation and includes one or more of the following topics:

  • Career exploration,
  • Entry-level competency awareness
  • Employability skills [soft skills],
  • Job search strategies
  • College-readiness skills.

Course Length – 50 Hours Classes will be starting frequently for both day and evening.

HRD Technology Awareness

The curriculum framework and the content of the instructional materials will focus on computer use skills as it relates to:

  • Developing basic keyboarding, word-processing and Internet skills
  • Learning technology-based job search strategies to include the use of social networking
  • Applying for employment online
  • Accessing governmental and education resources and services.

Course Length – 48 Hours Classes will be starting frequently for both day and evening.

Contact Us

To learn more, contact Leah Jorgensen at 828.564.5128 or