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Fire Service and Rescue Training

Training for rescue workers in Haywood County.

View available classes and register online

Program Details

Fire Service and Rescue training is provided by HCC and is taught at the individual firefighting or rescue group locations.

Training sessions are held in the local fire and rescue departments allowing personnel to be trained as an organized group, utilizing equipment they would use in controlling fires or rescue needs.

Certification Classes are offered in the following areas:
  • Driver Operator Pumps/Aerial Operation
  • Fire and Life Safety Educator in Levels I, II & III
  • Firefighter Certification Classes
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Technical Rescue Technician

Registration Information

Registration Fees range from $70-$180 depending on the hours of class.

There is no charge for registration for anyone who is a member of a North Carolina rescue squad, ambulance service or fire department.

Fire Service and Rescue training is provided to the individual firefighting or rescue groups. Training sessions are held in the local fire and rescue departments allowing personnel to be trained as an organized group, utilizing equipment they would use in controlling fires or rescue needs.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Michael Clark at