Student Loans
HCC does not endorse the use of any particular alternative loan program, but rather encourages students to thoroughly review the programs available and to select the program that best meets their personal needs. HCC does not offer loans directly from the college. The Financial Aid Office at Haywood Community College (HCC) works with many sources of alternative or private loans to help provide additional funding to students at the college.
Federal Loans
Please note that beginning with the 2014-2015 academic year (Fall 2014), Haywood Community College will no longer partcipate in the William D Ford Direct Loan Program. If you have any questions please contact the financial aid department.
Student Loan Default Prevention
Haywood Community College is committed to promoting student success by assisting students to learn, graduate, obtain employment and achieve financial responsibility through repayment of the funds borrowed to finance education. Your student loan repayment will likely be a major expense each month, particularly when you are first starting in your career. The following links remind you of the seriousness of repaying student loans and your rights and responsibilities as a federal student loan borrower.
Options for Financially Challenged Student Loan Borrowers
The U.S. Department of Education provides options to student loan borrowers who are having difficulties with repaying loans. You can learn more about these options byu visiting the deferment and forbearance website.
General Considerations
- Alternative or private loans are credit-based and students are NOT guaranteed to receive them.
- To understand the credit-scoring system used by the lender to determine your eligibility we suggest that you review the information contained on
- Under lender defined circumstances, some students may also be asked to have a co-signor or co-maker.
When determining which loan is best for you, obtain the following information from the lender(s) you are considering:
- What are the current qualifications criteria, including credit score, a borrower (you) and/or a co-signor or co-maker must meet?
- What is the current interest rate and fees (origination or repayment) associated with the loan: Remember, fees can negate differences in interest rate. Interest rates and terms may vary with each lender.
- What are the standard and/or consolidated repayment terms available to borrowers? (Fixed or variable rate and maximum repayment period).
- You should also ask any other questions to fully understand your responsibilities under the loan.
Selecting a Lender
Haywood Community College (HCC) does not have a preferred lender list and has no representatives from student loan organizations on campus or appearing to represent HCC in any way. Neither do HCC staff members receive any funding or incentives whatsoever from lenders providing student loans.
It is HCC’s policy to process alternative loans from any lender the student selects. HCC students have a choice in the selection of lenders. This policy is consistent with federal regulations.
Student Loan Buying Guide
The Greentree Gazette publishes a “buying guide” several times a year to maintain updated information on the student loan programs. The guide highlights borrower benefits offered by different lenders as well as trends in the student loan industry.
List of Private Student Loan Providers “FinAid! The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid” has compiled a list of private lenders based on lender literature and a survey of rates charged to actual students.
The above web sites are provided solely to assist students in the selection of a lender. The above list does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by HCC.
Guidelines for Alternative/Private Loan Recipients
- Students are encouraged to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and list Haywood Community College as one of the colleges to receive a copy.
- Students will decide which lender best meets their needs by researching financial lending institutions of their choice.
- The Financial Aid Office (FAO) will certify alternative/private loans.
- Students notify the FAO when they apply for a private loan.
- The loan amount cannot exceed the Cost of Attendance (COA). Cost of programs vary, this is an average estimate.
- Unless indicated otherwise, the loan will be disbursed over two terms.
- Students must be registered for classes at time of disbursement.
Tuition and fees must be paid no later than 4 p.m. on the day before classes begin each semester.
Students who pick up loan checks and fail to pay tuition and fees are not enrolled. This information will be provided to the lender and the student will be notified about repayment based on school’s receipt of check from lender.
Financial Literacy
Haywood Community College has partnered with to offer a financial literacy course to our students. This course will walk you through the basics of financial goals and budgeting. Please visit to complete this course.
Student Loan Default Prevention
Haywood Community College is committed to promoting student success by assisting students to learn, graduate, obtain employment and achieve financial responsibility through repayment of the funds borrowed to finance education. Your student loan repayment will likely be a major expense each month, particularly when you are first starting in your career. The following links remind you of the seriousness of repaying student loans and your rights and responsibilities as a federal student loan borrower.
Options for Financially Challenged Student Loan Borrowers
The U.S. Department of Education provides options to student loan borrowers who are having difficulties with repaying loans. You can learn more about these options by visiting the Student deferment and forbearance website.
Consequences of Defaulting on Student Loans
- Your loans may be turned over to a collection agency.
- You'll be liable for the costs associated with collecting your loan, including court costs and attorney fees.
- You can be sued for the entire amount of your loan.
- Your wages may be garnished.
- Your federal and state income tax refunds may be intercepted.
- The federal government may withhold part of your Social Security benefit payments.
- Your defaulted loans will appear on your credit history for up to 7 years after the default claim is paid, making it difficult for you to obtain an auto loan, mortgage, or even credit cards.
- You won't receive any more federal financial aid until you repay the loan in full or make arrangements to repay what you already owe and make at least six consecutive, on-time, monthly payments. You will also be ineligible for assistance under most federal benefit programs.
- You'll be ineligible for deferments.
- Subsidized interest benefits will be denied.
- You may not be able to renew a professional license you hold.
- You may be prohibited from enlisting in the Armed Forces.
And of course, you will still owe the full amount of your loan.
Contact Us
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm
Phone: 828-627-4756