HCC Foundation
Haywood Community College Foundation's Discs in the Dogwoods Charity Tournament
Friday, June 20, 2025, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM EST
Charity Disc Golf Tournament on Haywood Community College’s Disc Golf 18-Hole Course.
Each team will play their round of disc golf with sponsors featured at majority of
tee boxes.
We welcome all skill levels to play and enjoy.
Box Lunch will be included; 9am tee time.
Haywood Community College Hemlock Building, June 20, 2025, 8:30 AM sign in - 9:00
AM tee time.
$50 per player or $200 per 4 player team covers entry fee, lunch, and donation to
Tools and Technology Scholarship.
Prize Winners will be in three categories - Men, Women, and Mixed.
For any questions, please contact Hylah Birenbaum, Foundation Director, at 828-627-4544 or hebirenbaum@haywood.edu.
The Haywood Community College Foundation creates relationships that empower people through education.
It also provides funds and fosters relationships to support students, faculty, programs, and capital improvements.
For more than 50 years, Haywood Community College has provided our community with accessible, affordable and high-quality education, as well as workforce training and lifelong learning opportunities. The Haywood Community College Foundation is where opportunity, hard work and generosity intersect to educate our community. With over $14 million in assets, the HCC Foundation operates from a position of strength. We need your help to continue our strong foundation.
About Us
Created in 1975, under the North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation Act, Haywood Community College Foundation creates relationships that empower people through education. It assists the college to secure the necessary and timely financial support unavailable through its traditional public funding source.
In order to fulfill its mission, the HCC Foundation provides funds and fosters relationships to support students, faculty, programs, and capital improvements. The HCC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization through which tax-deductible gifts may be made to benefit HCC. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible as provided by state and federal laws.
Every gift to the Foundation, no matter how large or small, is gratefully accepted and deeply appreciated, because each gift represents the donor’s expressed goodwill toward the college. Gifts are used in many ways including the following:
- Scholarships
- Student Ambassadors
- Student emergency needs
- Student experiential learning opportunities
- Student transportation
- Mini-grants for student impact, staff & faculty
- Staff and faculty professional development
- College events and marketing development
- Technology enhancements
- And many more…
Giving to the Foundation is an investment that contributes to the success of students. For additional information about making a gift to HCC Foundation, contact Hylah Birenbaum at the HCC Foundation, 185 Freedlander Drive, Clyde, NC 28721; telephone (828) 627-4544 or hebirenbaum@haywood.edu.
Donate Now
To donate, click on the "Ways to Donate" button below. We have several options to support the HCC Foundation. You will be asked for contact, payment information, and make sure to complete the designation information for donation.
Thank You!
Haywood Community College welcomes your generous gift to help support our students with scholarships, field trips, events, experiential learning, and other needs. Your gift is tax-deductible and will be acknowledged with a letter from the HCC Foundation. Please contact Hylah Birenbaum at (828) 627-4544 or hebirenbaum@haywood.edu with any questions.
Board of Directors
The HCC Foundation receives oversight from the established Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on our board, please reach out to Hylah Birenbaum at (828) 627-4544 or hebirenbaum@haywood.edu. We are so thankful for our Board and the direction they provide to the college to serve the needs of our students to better the community where we live and work.
Dr. Lucina Lampila, Chair
Mr. Jack Bishop, III Vice-Chair
Mr. Chris Brown
Dr. Ed Brown, III
Ms. Jane Clark
Dr. Elizabeth Ferguson
Ms. Wendolyn Forbes
Ms. Marion Hamel
Mr. Charles Henson (Emeritus)
Mr. Doug Hillman
Ms. Angie Guy Leatherwood
Mr. Scott McLeod
Mr. Jon Overbay
Dr. Joseph Ramellini
Ms. Amy Boyd Sugg
Ms. Laura Tragesser
Mr. Tyler Trantham
Dr. Myra Watson
Mr. Dennis Weber
Ms. Celesa Willett
Ex-Officio Members:
Dr. Shelley White, President
Hylah Birenbaum, Foundation Executive Director
Ms. Christie Medford, VP of Operations
Student Impact


If you're interested in learning more about what the Foundation does to support HCC's students and employees, take a quick listen to our Bobcat Chat featuring the Foundation Director, Hylah Birenbaum.