Boots to Business: Starting or Growing a Veteran-Owned Business


The Small Business Center at Haywood Community College will offer a free two-part Boots to Business: Starting or Growing a Veteran-Owned Business virtual learning series. Held Wednesday, April 21 and Thursday, April 22, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., this two-step training program provides participants an overview of business ownership as a career vocation, an outline and knowledge on the components of a business plan, a practical exercise in opportunity recognition, and an introduction to available public and private sector resources.

Veterans of all eras, service members (including members of the National Guard and Reserve) and their spouses are eligible to participate in this virtual training opportunity. Visit or call 828.627.4512 for additional information or to register today.

Thinking about starting a business in Haywood County or growing an existing business? Take advantage of the programs, services, and resources provided by the Small Business Center. The NC Community College's Small Business Center Network facilitates an economic impact in 90 percent of all NC counties each year and ranks number one in the U.S. for total business seminars and participants. In addition, the network helps start an average of over 700 businesses every year and works to create and retain 3,800 jobs annually for North Carolina. Visit for more information.