Forestry Management Technology
Forestry Management Technology
The Forestry Management Technology program at Haywood Community College will develop individuals’ passion for the outdoors by providing students with the competencies and technical skills necessary to sustainably manage natural resources. After earning a degree in Forestry Management Technology, students will be able to start a career in the conservation, use, and management of forested areas and the resources they support.

Highlights of the Program
- Forest inventory skills
- Tree identification
- Timber harvesting
- Forest ecology
- Forest restoration
- Forest fire fighting
- Sales, purchasing, and operations
- Administrative and communication skills
- Numerous field trips and special events scheduled throughout the semester.
The Forest Management Technology Program leading to the A.A.S. Degree is accredited by Society of American Foresters (SAF), under its Forest Technology Standard.
Program Outcomes
Program Outcomes include:
- Change forest management plans based on collected forest inventory data that incorporates previously introduced class concepts and scientific literature.
- Conducting inventories of tree species using techniques consistent with professional standards.
- Applying ecological principles/theories to evaluate and utilize forest resources in a sustainable manner to meet the long-term needs of rights holders, landowners, and society.
- Communicating verbally and nonverbally in accordance with expectations of forest management professionals modeling ethical behaviors and recognizing the value of diverse people, perspectives, and practices.
- Maintaining and safely operating small and large equipment/machinery appropriate for forest manipulation and effectively utilize common industry technologies such as GIS and GPS (Technical Component).
- Graduates of the program can pursue careers as a Forestry technician, Procurement forester, Wildland firefighter, Prescribed burn crewmember or Soil conservation technician.
- Potential employers for graduating students include: private consulting firms, forest products industry, state and federal agencies and conservation organizations.
Job Outlook
Learning Outcomes
Learning Forest

From the generosity of numerous donors, Haywood Community College has learning forests that are designated for use by our students and instructors, providing the ultimate hands-on learning experience for our students. This opportunity offers real world experiences for them, affording them the opportunity to put their knowledge to work.
More about the program

The HCC Forestry Club & Lumberjack team encourages students to get involved outside the classroom to get to know their classmates, be involved in the community, and see what their future career path can bring to their everyday lives. The HCC Forestry Club conducts field trips, studies to support community efforts, and much more. Our Lumberjack team continues to showcase their skills at numerous lumberjack competitions in the region, winning many of the events they participate in.
Class Schedules

HCC offers a variety of class times to fit your busy schedule. Different class options are available based on your graduation year. You can view available classes and then meet with your advisor to get registered.
Technical Standards Program Schedule Search for Courses Program Cost
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Student Learning Outcomes Procedure
If you would like to voice or lodge a complaint or grievance, please contact the Program Coordinator, John Sherman at