HCC Trail
Name the new trail
HCC is expanding the on-campus trail system. Since this is a historic occasion, we want YOUR help in naming the trails. As a designated arboretum, HCC’s campus is here for all to explore. Having trail names that correlate with our campus and Western North Carolina is an opportunity to have trail names in place for generations to come.
Names will be collected and reviewed by a small group for consideration and names may be selected from the submissions or a combination of ideas. Selections will be based on creativity, originality, and how it reflects the essence of HCC and Haywood County.
Please consider the following in your submission:
- Do not submit a trail name already in use in our area
- Limit the number of words in the name to 3 or less
- Do not use a proper noun
- Please refrain from any vulgarity, meaning or suggestion
Submissions are due Tuesday, February 28. Please complete the simple form below to submit your idea.