Learning Support Services

Our team in Learning Support Services is here to help students with a variety of academic needs. From tutoring to testing and essay support, we are here to help students achieve success during their time at HCC.


Contact Us

Alder Building
  • Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Testing appointments are available starting at 9:00am


Please list the Course Prefix and Number, Section Number as well as the Instructor's Name
I am interested in assistance in this course or courses

Free Tutoring 

Students can receive free tutoring in math, writing/grammar, science, and basic computer operation. We also provide support in learning skills: studying, time management, and organization. Tutoring is available face-to-face and limited online. 

How to Access Tutoring 

Tutoring is available through drop-in labs or by appointment.  

Tutoring times and content areas are subject to change based on availability. 

Rules and Regulations 

  • We do not help students with graded assignments, but with ungraded alternative questions
  • Students cannot miss class time to attend tutoring
  • Each student using the labs or other resources must adhere to our Conduct Policy.


Learning Support Services provides a professional testing environment with secure and private study carrels, sound-suppressing systems in place, pencils and other supplies upon request, computers, and security cameras to ensure secure testing. 

Testing is provided to HCC students and students from other NC community colleges at no charge and will accept specific requests for other individuals or groups (for $25/test). 

Accommodations can be made for students with disabilities that are verified by an instructor. Snap-and-Read software, private testing, and extended testing times are just some of the ways we can accommodate students. 

What to know: 

  • Bring your student ID 
  • Make an appointment in advance 
  • Know your professor’s instructions 
  • Be familiar with LSS rules 
  • If testing online, ensure your device is compatible with our testing process 

Online Testing 

  1. Qualifications
    1. Students who live more than 60 minutes away from campus qualify for remote testing
    2. Students must schedule their exams and successfully complete the remote testing walkthrough with Learning Support Services (LSS)
      1. Remote testing must be scheduled two weeks prior to the exam date
      2. To schedule any exam with LSS, email Megan Clark at mpgalloway@haywood.edu 
      3. Specify in your scheduling email that you will need a remote exam
  2. Device Compatibility
    1. Compatible devices: Windows and Mac Computers
    2. Windows and Mac computer software versions must be up to date
    3. Incompatible devices: Phones, iPads, tablets, ThinkPads, and Chromebooks 
  3. Walkthrough Process
    To successfully complete the walkthrough, each student will need to complete the following steps: 
    1. Download the Microsoft Teams desktop applicatation prior to the walkthrough
    2. Demonstrate their camera and microphone are working properly
    3. Demonstrate the ability to successfully share their screen
  4.  Timeline
    1. Walkthroughs will take place on Wednesdays throughout the semester
    2. Walkthroughs typically take 5 to 10 minutes to complete
    3. Walkthroughs for Mac computers may take longer due to extra privacy configurations
  5. Additional Questions
    1. Please contact Dr Hamm at pahamm@haywood.edu 

Directions for accessing Learning Support Services

Come up the ramp to the double exterior doors and enter the Hickory building. LSS is located at the first set of double doors on your right (Room 335). If you have any questions, please 828-627-4696.

Map of directions to Learning Support Services:

Grammar Evaluation

Learning Support Services offers proofreading for essays and assignments. Essays are NOT corrected for the student, but grammatical errors will be flagged and identified by error type. 


Please list the Course Prefix and Number, Section Number as well as the Instructor's Name
I am interested in assistance in this course or courses

LSS provides proofreading of essays and research papers. Students may drop off essays and assignments for grammar error evaluation.  Students should plan for a 48-hour proofing duration after the document has been submitted (Please note: documents submitted on Friday would have a Tuesday deadline).  Evaluation of lesser duration may happen but is not guaranteed.​ 


Step 1: Complete an application. 

  • Please complete the form to have your paper proofread. 
  • This is an application for tutoring – proofreading is part of our tutoring service. 

Step 2: Submit your essay online via HCC student email. 

  • Type Grammar Evaluation in the subject line of your email. 
  • In the message field include: Your course prefix and number, Your instructor’s name 
  • Include your essay as an attachment to the email. 
  • We only accept documents in Word or PDF format. 
  • After you submit your essay, you will receive a confirmation email from our team. 

Step 3: Look for an email from LSS containing your proofread essay.  

  • Your essay will be flagged in the margins, showing where your errors are and what kind of errors you made 
  • You will also receive a grammar evaluation form showing what the error types are 

Faculty Resources

Learning Support Services serves HCC students, faculty and the community. Our job is to provide, support, and encourage success. We have many resources available for students.​

Tutoring Hours



Monday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Monday 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Wednesday 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM



Monday 10:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM



Tuesday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM



Tuesday 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Wednesday 11:00 AM to  3:00 PM


Study skills tutoring is available by appointment. Email Dr. Hamm at pahamm@haywood.edu

Student Resources

  • Free drop-in tutoring 
  • Professional Testing Center with a private testing rooms 
  • SnapRead software for testing 
  • Checkout Items: headsets, calculators, and webcams 
  • Free give-away supplies: pencils, earplugs 
  • Computer work stations 


Dr. Phillip Hamm on steps of HCC

Want to learn more about what Learning Support Services has to offer students? Take a listen to a podcast with Dr. Phillip Hamm, the LSS Director. He shares info about the services an an easy to listen to format. His passion for what HCC offers students is evident as we talk through each benefit and service of working with the experts on the LSS team.

Listen Now